Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February: Month of Love and Light!

Most of us know February 2nd as Groundhog Day, a beloved American tradition where we wait to see if a groundhog, most notably, Punxsutawney Phil, emerges from his burrow to tell us know how long winter will last.

This tradition has it roots in another festival, celebrated by many other cultures around the world. February 2nd marks the mid-point between Winter Solstice (the day when there is the least daylight hours of the year) and the Spring Equinox. 

Known by many names, the Festival of Light marks the day when some of the first seasonal changes from winter to spring can be observed; like the first buds of leaves on the trees, and the first blades of grass emerging. 

As the daylight lengthens and we emerge from our winter selves, we can use this time to be more bold, productive, and to enact positive change in our own lives and in our communities.

Here at Naturalight Solar we are feeling renewed
and invigorated for 2016 and we hope that you are too!

Let us know if we can help to brighten your life: 707-527-5330

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