Thursday, May 25, 2017

Part Three: Four Reasons You Need More Natural Light

Last week, in part two, we talked about needing more natural light during the day in order to have a Better Sleep Cycle. If you missed last week's post, you can read it here.

This week we will look at how having more natural light in your life may Lessen Eyestrain and Headaches.

Do you work all day in a space that has little to no sun exposure, instead relying on artificial lighting? Do your eyes blur when you glance from your monitor to another object? Fluorescent lighting and glare caused by contrasting amounts of light and reflections in the environment can cause strain on your eyes that might even cause headaches or migraines.

Adding natural lighting to your home or office may help stop you from squinting at a computer screen or television. The natural lighting is better for your eyes and evenly distributed ambient light can help reduce glare. VELUX SUN TUNNEL Skylights are an excellent option for office spaces, as the built-in ceiling diffuser helps distribute the natural light evenly through the space, perfect for eliminating glare.

If you don't have a way to add more natural light in your work environment, try taking regular breaks from the computer, letting your eyes adjust focus by looking at objects both closer and further away and stepping out into the sunlight for a few minutes several times throughout the day.

Check back next week for the final post in this series.

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